Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hello Blogging World!

Lately I've been seeing people's posts on Facebook about their Blogs, or actual links to their Blogs. I absolutely love reading them, most of them are uplifting, inspiring, funny, or all of the above. I've always been extremely jealous of how well Bloggers can write... The only thing holding me back from creating a Blog for several years is the fact that I just feel like I can't write nearly as well as 99% of the people in the Blogging world, and in my opinion the point of people having a Blog is to either share their talents, inspire or to help people feel happy, and I've just been worried that I wouldn't be able to do any of those things. But recently as I've been reading other people's work something a friend told me a while ago popped into my mind, she said "It doesn't matter. You just have to write what comes to your mind and it will turn out amazing." I never realized until now just how true her words are. I don't have to be afraid of not being as good at writing as others, all I have to be is myself and share what I have to offer, after all a Blog is just supposed to be a creative outlet for yourself. So here I am doing something I've wanted to do for years, but I've just been too chicken to do.

Since this is my first post, I figured it should probably be a little about myself. In the paragraph above you found out pretty much why I started a Blog, so I'll just go from there. My name is Madison, I am just a girl trying to do her best in the world even though I sometimes find doing even that one simple thing as a serious struggle. I have a serious passion for photography (maybe I'll share some of my work on here sometime) even though I haven't really gotten anywhere with it yet. I have a serious love for nature and animals, I guess you could say I'm pretty close to being a "Tree Hugger". Service is something I really enjoy, it makes me happier when I am able to help another human being, animal, or even just the environment. I seriously wish everyone (especially young girls now days) was able to love themselves for everything they are, even though this is something I seriously struggle with on a daily basis, I am probably one of the worst out there when it comes to finding problems with myself. My biggest dream is to become a photographer for the National Geographic (far out right?). I one day hope to be able to move out of Utah, only because I feel like the mentality around here is very closed and I don't like that. I always try to look at every side of every story, because I always try my best to keep an open mind about everything. My outlook on life is basically live and let live. I'm addicted to reading, chocolate, Disney, Psych, Doctor Who, nail polish, and anything that is a baked good. I'm far from perfect but everyday I strive to be a little bit better than the day before. And that my friends, is a little bit about me!

Now I want to write a little about the important people in my life, those people that in some way have helped shape me into who I am today, those people I look up to or am inspired by, those people that have changed me for the better. 

I'm going to start out with my mom:
She is the super hero in my life, that's for sure. She's my rock and my absolute best friend. I turn to her when I need to vent about a frustration, when I need a shoulder to cry on, or whenever I just want someone to share a stupid joke with. She is my example of a strong woman, even though she has had many struggles in her life she has still been able to get through them and hold her head high. She is absolutely beautiful inside and out. Whenever I have had a tough time with anything she has always had my back. She has taught me so much throughout my life, anything from how to love and accept others for everything they are, to how to drive a manual car. She is the most loving, selfless, and nonjudgmental person I know. I strive to be more like her every day. I hope to one day be half as good of a person as she is.

Next up is my beautiful sister Hannah:
My oh my, where do I start with this girl? One of the truest things I can say about her is that she is everything good packed into one person. She's completely kindhearted, extremely smart, selfless, an amazing friend to anyone who comes along, totally gorgeous, hilarious, and completely genuine. This girl is the one who introduced me to things like Doctor Who, the Mistborn series, and many Youtubers I have come to love.. And trust me my life is definitely so much better with those things in it. She has been the one who has taught me how to laugh when I'm feeling down, how to be a better friend, and how to more genuinely love people. When I feel like the world is looking dark I try to look through her eyes and I start to see the good and the beauty again. I love this girl so much. All I hope for her is that she is able to find complete happiness in this life, and that she is able to see herself for how truly wonderful she really is. I wouldn't be where I am today without her.

This awesome boy in the picture with me is Jordan:
He is my best friend of over 4 years. He stuck with me through absolutely all of the crap I went through in High School. He is the one who taught me how to feel beautiful. He gets me in a way I feel like no one else ever will. He is a rock in my life that I feel like I can always turn to no matter what. He has never once made me feel bad about myself in any way, I have never had to feel self conscious around him, I have always been able to be myself, he is definitely a true friend. He's always been proud of me and the things I have done, he's been nothing but supportive since day one. Even though we have naturally had times when we have had our differences we have always been able to quickly work things out and be able to become even better friends because of those hard times. Right now he is serving a full time mission for the LDS church in Japan. From the moment he left I felt like a huge part of me was missing, it has been hard to not have him around every day but I could not be more proud of him. The good thing is I am still able to talk with him frequently. Even though it's not really the same, I am very grateful for that. Everyone deserves to have a friend like him. If it weren't for him I would still have zero self esteem and I still wouldn't have any idea how to truly enjoy life. I hope to one day be half as good of a friend as he is to me. I miss him every day, and I am just counting down the days until he comes home.

This awesome boy with my is James: 
If you can't tell from this picture he makes me very happy. I just recently met him this year, and we have been dating for the past three months and it has been amazing! It may sound cheesy, but I honestly had no idea I could be so happy in a relationship. He loves me for everything I am, flaws and all, and he sees me as nothing but beautiful. Every girl deserves to be treated the way he treats me. Even if I am having a horrible day, he knows exactly how to make it better. When I'm with him he seems to just help all of my problems, worries, and stress melt away. And that's truly a lot considering the fact that I haven't been having the easiest time lately. The more I learn about him the more I realize just how amazing he is. He helps me to really enjoy life and appreciate the little things. He's my shining example of how to accept yourself for everything you are, even when at times you may wish you could change certain things. I am only fully happy when I am able to be around him. We still haven't once had a fight, we see eye to eye on most everything, and on the few things we don't completely agree on we are able to very simply just agree to disagree. My opinion of him is very high, and that will never change. he's a wonderful person through and through. He's an outstanding friend, hard worker, eager to learn, dedicated, loyal, selfless, loving person. I wish more people in the world were like him. In my opinion at least, it would make the world a much better place to live.

The last person I will talk about today is Lindsay:
Little does she know but she totally saved me in High School. When I lost all of my friends to unneeded drama she became my friend right when I really needed one. Her nerdy/goofiness is so similar to mine it's amazing... She even has a strange love for the movie Titanic like I do. It makes me sad that we aren't able to really get together any more now that school is over, but I guess that's what happens as you get older, you life changes and often you drift away from people and things that at some point were a lot more prominent in your life. Lindsay is an amazing friend and person. Every time I'm around her I'm amazed at how happy one person can be, she could definitely brighten the moods of a room full of depressed people. I truly wish I could have as optimistic of an outlook on life as she does. She has definitely taught me to look at the brighter side of things when I start looking at the bad side. I mean can't you just tell how bright and happy she is just from this one picture?? She's awesome. We will be good friends for a long time, even though we don't see or talk to each other as much any more.

Well... I think that's all for now.. This has been a pretty good introductory post if I do say so myself. I think I am going to really enjoy having a Blog. I've always enjoyed being able to write.. It's a wonderful release for me, I can write about pretty much anything and for some reason it always lifts my spirits. I hope that someone out there is able to take something from the things I have to say here. After all I didn't really decide to do this just for me.

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