Friday, December 6, 2013


Really, there is no right and there is no wrong. Not when you really look at things. There are only perceptions and opinions of each perception.

Think about it, and think about it critically. Here's an example: Imagine there is a doctor out there some where, at some hospital, and he has been working with a patient that has some form of cancer. Finally he is able to cure the patient and kill the cancer that has been living inside them. I think most everyone would say that the doctor was a hero, and that he did a good thing by killing the cancer. We as a society can agree that cancer is a bad thing that none of us want to face. So that was a good thing that he killed it right? Well you could just as easily say that the doctor was bad and wrong, because he killed the cancer. Though we may look at cancer as a bad thing, really it is just a living thing, trying to survive. So it was still a murder of a living thing. 

I am not in any way trying to justify cancer, or say it isn't as bad as we make it out to be. I agree with the large population when they say that that cancer is a thing that should not exist. I am just trying to make you think critically.. I am just trying to say that everything is all about perception, and point of view. So stay with me here. 

Here is another example of sorts: Cancer really is just good cells gone bad. Or some would say too many good cells trying to grow and multiply too much to the point where they become bad, because really, when you look at it, too much of any good thing can always be bad. But there are also other cells in our bodies that grow quickly too, such as hair. In cancer treatments a person will lose their hair, along with the unwanted cancer cells. So does that make hair a bad thing too? Most people would say no, in fact I think all people would say no. Just like everyone would say cancer is bad. But the hair cells are being killed too, because really when it comes down to it cancer, and hair are both the same thing. Quickly growing cells. 

Point of view my friends. It's all in the point of view.

That's why there is no right or wrong. No good or bad. Just perceptions, and this invisible code of those things that we as the human species have made.

A completely different example could be terrorists. Once again, I think we can all agree they are bad, and doing horrible and destructive things. But in their heads they are not, all they are doing is serving their country, and often times their religion. They are doing something good, according to themselves and their culture. It's the same thing with anyone that participates in say, a shooting at a school. It is always justified in the persons head. They view it as good in some way. You may not be able to understand it, but in the end that doesn't matter, because they do. In their heads, they are doing good.

You may say God does exist, and that you are right, and that believing in God and whatever else your specific religion teaches is the right thing to do. But someone else will always be there to say that you are wrong, for x amount of reasons, and like you are correct in your head, they will always be correct in their own head. 

There will always be perceptions, and an invisible line of right and wrong. Even though in the end there really is no such thing... It is all just something we have established over time to hopefully create some kind of order. We as human beings are just programmed that way, we can't help ourselves. We need a sense of community, and we need a sense of structure in order to stay sane.

And that is okay.. I am not saying there is anything wrong with it. Basically all I am trying to say is that maybe we just take it all a bit too far. We start thinking no one else is right, and that we are the only person with the answers. Our minds become closed, and we build prejudices and create hate. We form opinions that we start to try and teach as fact.. And in those things, that is where the problems lie.

Try to remember everything is just a perception the next time you are about to judge someone... And try to remember that just because you may disagree with something, that doesn't always make it wrong. The day that this world becomes more open minded may never happen, but if it does, that'll be the day that so many problems are fixed...

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”― Nelson MandelaLong Walk to Freedom

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