Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Fleeting Facts.

The sad truth is that I notice a lot more deaths and losses right around the holidays... I don't know if you've noticed it too, or if it's just me. But the past few years I have been to too many funerals, and heard of too many deaths.. And it all for people I have known, and some I have even grown up with. And it's hard.. Especially because it all seems to land during the Holiday's, the time when you are super focused on family. Death is already hard. But it is an even bigger slap in the face when it's around the time you are looking to your family the most.

In my opinion there has been far too many deaths over the past couple of years. And my heart really does go out to those who have lost a loved one. I know it isn't easy. I have dealt with my share of death.. And while I realize people die every day, just like people are born every day.. It doesn't really hit home until someone you know dies. And then it is suddenly a very surreal thing. Suddenly it is very personal.. And very unfair.

But it's been making me think... Think about life and how fleeting it really is. I mean I think we all know in the back of our heads that time is short. We know it. We just block it out. Because, really, who wants to think about that right? The goal of life is to be happy. And dwelling on death, or the fact the your life really isn't that long, is frankly really depressing. 

While I realize no one wants to think about that, I do think we should think about it a little bit more. I'm definitely not saying anyone should go all deep dark and depressed and dwell on the bad. That's not the point. The point is that the saying "live each day like it's you're last" should be practiced a lot more. We should all start appreciating life a bit more, and appreciating the people that are closest to us more. In today's society we all just tend to glide through life in fast motion. We treat everything like we need to get it done as quickly as possible. There is no magic to the day, there is just rushing and craziness. People don't tell their friends and family they love them nearly enough. Fights occur far too often. Relationships are broken too much. Gifts people buy aren't heart felt, it's all about buying the latest piece of technology, and going into debt because you want your gift to be bigger than everyone else's.. Life isn't loved like it should be. Beauty is skipped over. We play life in fast motion. Nothing is savored. 

In my opinion as time has gone on, everything has gone all wrong. Hold your loved ones close. Tell a stranger her hair is pretty. Ask for that girls phone number. Give yourself a compliment every day. Dwell on the good, not the bad. Go for your dreams. Shoot for the stars.. Break the pattern.. Savor. Because tomorrow is truly never a guarantee.


Confidence is key. Love is blind. Support is a treasure. Relationships are overrated. Time is a concept. Open mindedness is a vision. Bravery is often mistaken for rashness. Shyness should never be taken as weakness. Regrets are a waste of time. Questions are for the bold. Happiness is a quest. Acceptance is a strength. Loyalty is bravery. Choices are impossible. Discouragement never pays. Optimism is a way of life. Luck is realizing opportunity. Credit isn't needed. Kindness requires selflessness. Laughter is medicine. Patience is not a virtue, but a sign of a more highly developed being. Ruthlessness is boredom on fire. Self love is mistaken for arrogance. Humor is talent. Seeing beauty is artistry. Anger is destruction. Hate is taught. Opinions are never fact. Mistakes are lessons. Adventure is everywhere. Normal has no definition. Religion is man made. Strength has nothing to do with a physical body. Music is life. You are your worst critic. Letting go takes courage. Romance is an act of passion. Danger is real. Fear is a choice. Death is a different journey. Passion can be dangerous. Too much of a good thing can be bad. Talent should be shared. Every life is precious. Senses are gifts. Beliefs are nothing but opinions. Reality is perception of the mind. The universe is all in your head.. But most importantly, never give up. Never surrender. And seize the day.

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