So yesterday I saw something that disturbed me. It filled me with anger and shame at pretty much the exact moment that I saw it. And the saddest part is, it was a stinkin' bumper sticker. It said "I'm not racist, I hate Biden too."
I was shocked by how quickly that got a rise out of me. A simple thing like a bumper sticker angered me... Only the fact is, it wasn't so simple.. It isn't so simple. It's not simple because this is just a taste of the mindset the people of this country have, and we as the people that live here represent the shape our country will take in the future.
We were once a proud country. Strong. United. Respectful. Brave. Daring. Smart. And that one stupid bumper sticker wipes that all away. It wipes away everything our forefathers tried to build for us. And it feels me with shame and sadness to see that happening.
Seeing that made me not so proud to be an American.
I notice more and more lately that at least 98% of the people (at least the people here in Utah) have less than zero respect for the President of the United States and the people he chooses to help him lead the country. They have no respect and they hate. Hate. Such a strong emotion that should never under any circumstance be used lightly. Yet that is exactly what people are doing. They are using it far too lightly.
Seriously. Do you feel no shame when you openly bash our leaders? In particular our president? Does it make you feel good to spread all of that hate? Especially when most of the people spreading this disrespect and hate are Mormon. Members of the LDS church. The church that claims to be the one true religion, and claim to be the most Christ like and closest to God. I hope it feels you all with satisfaction. Because frankly, it sickens me.
Let me tell you something. When you are spreading such harsh and awful feelings, towards ANYONE, not just our president, our leader, you are being the absolute furthest thing from Christ like. You are putting an awful name out there for your church and the things you teach. You are a terrible representation. Just think that over for a second. Get your priorities straightened out.
Obama. The leader of your country. Deserves your respect. At all times. No one expects you to agree with him completely, or agree to all of his choices. I myself don't agree with everything he has done. But I do respect him, and I see what he is trying to do, the things he is trying to accomplish. And he is trying his absolute best. I would like to see any of you try and attempt to do better. I can promise none of you could.
Let me give you a news flash. He is a human being. And being a human being comes with many imperfections and the fact that we will all make mistakes. Some of you claim that Romney would have done better because of the fact that he is Mormon. Well here's another news flash for you. Romney is also a human being and would have fallen to the same things Obama has. Mistakes. Sure he would have made different decisions, but that in no way at all promises they would have fixed anything, or made anything any better. And the fact that he is LDS does not make him God. He would have been far from perfect. You would have found many many flaws in his leadership, although you would have been less quick to admit that because of your pride.
As an example of you wanting someone, apparently anyone, besides our current president. Think back to when McCain was running against Obama. A lot of you would have rejoiced it McCain had won at the time. Well guess what people? McCain was caught playing poker on his Iphone in a conference about Syria. Currently one of the biggest national struggles. Simply because he was feeling "bored and stressed". Does that not tell you something? Would you be happy with a man like that as President? Simple answer, no. And if you said yes, you know very well that you're lying to yourself. McCain made a mistake. A huge mistake. He is human.
Wake up people! This country was already down a very dark bad path before Obama became president. He got landed in the worst possible situation. He became president right when everyone wanted someone to blame. And ever since he got this position he has done NOTHING but try to dig us out of this pit in the best way he sees possible. There has been some downfalls, and some good things. Wrong and right turns. But the entire time, he has had nothing but good intentions. So where is the respect? Respect for this man that is doing nothing but trying to save us? Nothing but giving basically his life to try and help this country that he has grown to love?
None of you would do better. And I can guarantee none of you would take his seat given the chance, because you know how terribly hard it would be. And you know you couldn't pull off a miracle. So why are you expecting him to? So where is the respect he more than deserves? You don't have to like him. You don't have to agree with him. But you should respect this man.
I hope that after reading this if you are one of the people that has spread so much hate, I hope you are filled with shame and embarrassment. Because frankly your actions are immature, childish, and disgraceful. YOU and only YOU are giving this country a bad name. Not Obama. Not the people that work with him. YOU. He isn't spreading hate. And he has more respect for all of you than you do for him when it should be the other way around.
Shame on you. Do some serious soul searching and figure your crap out. Because this has gotten way past the line of ridiculous.
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