Each day we go through life wondering if we're going down the right path... Doing the right thing, making the right choices.
We meet new people. Some of them stay, and some of them don't. But each person we meet, we meet for a reason. They were put on a path to find us, and we were put on a path to find them. You found them for a reason... Good... Bad.. Or maybe something in between.
We make mistakes for a reason. To learn. But learn what? Well that is for us to find out... Or not find out.. Depending on the situation.
We make choices always wondering if they were right. But never really knowing. And that's okay, isn't it? Life isn't about always knowing or seeing the right way. What would be the point in that? What would you learn? You might not always be on the right path, you may stumble, you may fall.. But the point is to pick yourself back up again when you do.
Life is a journey. A journey that moves quickly.. You never know how much time you have, and even when you feel like you have a lot, you never really do..
No one sees eye to eye. And that's okay. Why should you? No one signed up for the same journey. No one is meant to learn the same things.
Life is always being given, and taken. If you feel you should make a choice or do something... Don't hesitate. Don't think about what others would think or do. You aren't here for them. You are here for you, and only you. So jump.
We all have our own unique reality. No one sees the world, or a moment, in the same way.
Your life is beautiful. Your life is unique. Your life is yours.
You don't have to believe what everyone else believes. Or see what everyone else sees.
Being different is okay. And messing up is part of life. Don't believe absolutely everything people tell you too. Think objectively... But don't be too quick to judge either.
Take it step by step. Day by day. Minute by minute. Second by second.
You'll stumble.. You'll fall.. But even when you do, you'll always have something good come to remind you of the beauty that is you and your life.
You weren't sent here to be like everyone else.. So follow your heart... And most of all...
Carpe Diem.
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