Throughout the past couple of years I have had several people ask me what I do for my skin care routine... Because apparently I have pretty skin... Even though I would disagree, I'm always frustrated with my skin, it seems to be a constant battle to attempt to make it look good. But nevertheless, I have decided that I'm now going to share what I do for my skin, and a few other random little tips that I have come across in my life. Hopefully someone will take something from these things... So here we go:
For my everyday skin care I was my face with Frownies pH balancing complexion wash (pictured below). Frownies is a great company for pretty much any skin concern you may have, and they use all natural ingredients so that when your skin absorbs it it wont do any damage to the rest of your body. This pH balancing wash has been wonderful for me, you only need a little bit of it each time you use it and you just rub it together with your hands and it froths up so you can spread plenty of it across your face, and your neck if you want to. And it's supposed to help cleanse and detoxify your skin of environmental pollutants, makeup and harmful bacteria, it exfoliates and balances your skin helping to clear it of acne and fine lines. In my experience it has done what it claims to do, of course there are no instant miracles here, you have to give it some time, but you will notice a difference. I definitely recommend it, I use it day and night.

The next thing I use on a daily basis it my wonderful, handy-dandy mia clarisonic (pictured below). I love this thing, it really helps you get that deep clean you're looking for without being really harsh on your skin. The brush gently vibrates and you just guide it in little circles all over your skin giving it a gentle massage. I use it after I rub my cleansing wash all over my face, it just really helps to make sure the wash gets deep into your skin. Whenever I have a sudden break out, if I haven't been using my mia, when I start using it again those blemish's clear up so much faster, and they don't leave any scarring. Love this awesome thing.

The next couple of things I also use on a daily basis, are some things that are still kind of in a trial basis. I just got them a couple of days ago, but they have great reviews and so far I have really liked them, if not for anything else just because of how they make my skin feel. The companies name is Xtendlife. Once again this is a line of completely natural products. So far I have just started out with the Restorative Night Cream, and the Eye Contour Serum. If I really end up liking these things though I will definitely be looking into buying more of their products. The wonderful thing is also that they have lines for skin care for both men and women, and you can direct it towards whatever you feel your issue is. They also carry things like vitamins and supplements. This company is really just geared towards helping people live a all over natural and healthier lifestyle. The only real downfall is that they are based in New Zealand so your order takes a bit longer to get to you. The night cream has really helped to hydrate my skin, without making it feel heavy or oily, right after I put it on I immediately feel how much smoother my skin is, and I never wake up with dry skin anymore. The eye serum has really helped to hydrate the sensitive and thin skin around my eyes, and it's already showing signs of helping to improve those little fine lines around my eyes from squinting for my photography so much. So far I really like these things, even though I can't swear by them just yet.

These next things are also great products, but things that I don't use every day. The first is the Olay Regenerist duo eye serum. This little thing comes with the eye serum and a lovely eyelash conditioner/gel to help protect your eyelashes and help them grow thick and strong. This is really a great product, I used to use it everyday until I got my Xtendlife eye serum and I'm trying to figure out how that works. The serum really does give great moisture to the area around your eye, and you can use it on the actual eyelid, which you can't do with most eye moisturizers. The eyelash gel really has shown noticeable signs of helping my eyelashes to grow thicker and stronger. Great product, I would use it everyday if it weren't for the fact that I have something else on a trial basis. The other thing I don't use everyday is a Neutrogena starter microdermabrasion kit. I don't use it everyday for the obvious reason, it would be too harsh on my skin. It is a wonderful intense exfoliation though. If you aren't wanting to pay for several very expensive microderms at a spa, this is a wonderful alternative. It definitely isn't as intense as a professional one, but it does do the job. It makes the skin feel smoother, and the tone is all over more even. I only use it once every few weeks though because I don't want to be too harsh on my skin. I recommend both of these things, depending on what you're looking for for your skin.

The last thing I do for my skin is kind of interesting... It isn't store bought, and some people may think it's kind of gross, but I have found that it really works for it's purpose, so I recommend trying it even if you're skeptical. It is an egg white mask. All you need to do is crack open an egg, remove the yolk, froth up the whites with a fork, and massage it all over your face. You leave it there for 10-15 minutes or until it's completely dry. You'll feel it kind of tighten and pull at your skin. It's really good for making your pores smaller and tightening your skin. I do not use this everyday though, because for me and my sensitive skin, if used too often I can break out because of it. But for some people it has a lot of benefit when used everyday. So just gauge what your skin type is like, and what you need and go with it from there. I definitely recommend trying it though.
Besides these little beauty tips I want to add a few little random things that I have found very helpful in my life. Ever since my huge anxiety attack, I have found that I have a very sensitive stomach and whenever I have even a little anxiety attack nausea kicks in. So these little things have really helped me in pretty much my daily life. So if you're finding that you struggle with nausea, like me, you may find these things helpful:
The next couple of things that are good for me, are taking a bath in lavender bath salts, eating peppermint (like a peppermint candy, tea, or even gum), and laying flat on my back with my feet propped up against a wall has always really helped too.
I hope you found something helpful in this little blog post, and I hope you enjoyed reading. Have a wonderful day :)